Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I love my son!!

I just thought that I should post today how much I love my son.  The Lord truly knows our needs and he knew that I needed this little guy in my life.  He is such a comfort to me being in a new area away from family and all things familiar.  He has become my best friend and I don't know what I could do without him.  Today we had a doctor's appointment for his 18 month check up and he just sat there and let them listen to him and rub his belly and look in his ears.  He also got two shots today and it was pure agony!! I know a small bit of how our Father in Heaven feels when we are sick or hurt or when we make choices that are not the right ones.  Being a parent is so hard sometimes but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  He is just growing up so fast and I can totally see his life just flying by me and I can't bare to think about it.  He has starting using the toilet before bath time and I know that it is just a matter of time before other things come along.  It is amazing how quickly they learn.  I am completely mortified that I am going to totally screw him up because I have no idea what I am doing but I am so glad that I have great women in my life that have experienced these things before and they have helped me so much.  I am so grateful to have him in my life.  The Lord knows what we need.  I just love my son.  He is my hero. 


Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

crystal, this is such a touching post! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!

Jennifer said...

Hey Crystal! I'm glad you found me! How are you guys? Your little boy is so cute! So, where are you guys living right now? Emily said you aren't in AZ anymore.
Well, thanks for responding to my question of the week. Not to brag or anything but I thought it was a really good idea! :o) haha. Anyway, I hope you guys are well! I will talk to ya later!

The Ballard Family said...

Crystal! There is no way I would forget you, my lady-love. :) So happy to hear from you and so glad we busy mommies can have a way to easily keep in touch with old friends and see how things are going in life in general. I loved your post. We must chat sometime...I have all the same feelings you do, my friend. Only, I can't imagine being away from family while raising a little one. I admire you greatly. So glad to have heard from you! Your family is adorable. I'm so glad that life has been bringing blessings your way since we have seen each other. Much love to you...keep in touch!

DeWitts said...

Hey crystal i found your blog on sarahs its fun to see everyones blog and to see whats going on in there life. Your little boy is so cute! Keep in touch

Unknown said...

Poor boy had to get shots! I hate those! Him and Brynlie are only a few days apart I think. Her b-day is August 17th so they are very close. I was just thinking that same thing the other day. How Heavenly Father must love us and trust us so much to send these sweet children to us. What a blessing!

Traci said...

The joys of a mother usually always out weigh the bad times. Children are so in touch with what we need and they help remind us what we should be doing. They are a special gift. Thanks for the sweet post.

Bouwhuis Bunch said...

I always check out your blog from Leafy's, and thought I would say thanks for sharing this with everyone. I've been reminded twice now by two good friends how special these children are that come into our families!! Thanks for reminding me to kiss my baby and enjoy her even more today!!
Emily (Hoover)

Jason, Kim, & Kallie said...

Thanks so much for your comment! You are so sweet! I can glad we connected in the wonderful world of bloging!