So we have been on quite a few adventures since we last posted on here. After we left my parents house in Kentucky we stopped in Oklahoma for a week and spent some time with my three sisters and their families. Vance had a blast running around and playing with all of his cousins and Kael was just refining his sitting up and eating skills. While we were there I celebrated my 27th birthday, wow old lady! It was really fun to be there with my family and here are some of the pictures we took.

Vance, Kelsie, and Olivia sharing some apples and laughs.

Vance showing his butterfly net skills.

Curtis pondering the many mysteries in life.

Kael trying out his sea legs. He loves to stand up.

I don't know what this was about.

Isaac showing us how many pretzels he can fit in his mouth at once.

Vance looking at his little cousin Zac after our picnic lunch.

Playing at the park

Sweet little Zac.

Kael chillin.

On our way home from the park Kael fell asleep in the car and this is what he looked like. So sweet holding on to the turtle. Sweet boy.

Vance and his pirate shirt.

Kael enjoying his rice cereal and apple sauce.

The kids eating their dinner outside because it was beautiful.

Kael and his cereal face.

Kael helping daddy apply for jobs.

Oh this is hard work.

My sweet boys!

Vance riding a tricycle for the first time.

Kelsie, Alyse, Vance, and Olivia swinging in the hammock. They were all four born within eleven months of each other.

Vance on the swing set.

Ella and Sam enjoying some hammock time.

Handsome boys.

What an angel.

Vance and Alyse playing Botchy Ball.

Aunt Lethi holding Kael at the library. He looks so relaxed.

Aunt Holly putting on a puppet show with a little help.

Me and Kael at the library.

Aunt Lethi and sweet Ariana.

Zachary relaxing while his mommy was entertaining the kiddos.

Kael enjoying the show.

Aunt Holly flying on the magic dragons with the kids.

Alyse, Vance, and Kelsie put on a puppet show for us.

Vance, Emarie, Kael, and I spent some time at a park while Ella took Isaac to a dr's appointment and Vance and Emi found every butterfly in Norman I think. They had a ball chasing those butterfly's all over the park.

Kael was so patient and just relaxed in his seat because it was too windy for him to be out.

While Isaac went to Scout's we had a little picnic on the lawn of the church. Kael just loved being out on the ground.

He even tried to grab his own snacks to feed himself.

How about a drink? He grabbed Vance's cup and tried to help himself.

Cheesy boy.

We picked Curtis up from the airport after his interview in Colorado Springs and went to this mexican restaurant for my birthday. Vance enjoying a lemon like he always does.

Kael just enjoying the view.

My handsome man.


Party time!

Homemade lasagna and french bread, now that is what I call a party. Thank you so much Ella for making this amazing dinner for me.

Vance enjoying the great outdoors.

My delicious gourmet mint brownies for my "Birthday cake" that Alethia made me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!

Yay for movies!

Ella practicing her pyrotechnics with this fork.

On Friday morning we headed for Arizona to see Curtis' family. The boys did so good the whole way there. I couldn't believe how good they were. We arrived just in time for the Sweet Corn Festival and Rodeo in Taylor. Vance found his new favorite thing COWBOYS! It is all he talks about. Grandma just had to get him his own boots and what good is a Cowboy if he doesn't have a hat so that had to come along too. After he got his boots and hat we said "Are you our little Cowboy?" and he firmly told us "No that is Kael, I'm a big Cowboy!" Then we had to go to Wal-Mart and we had told him that a cowboy tips his had to a lady and says "Howdy Maam" so what do you think he did all throught Wal-Mart? Oh yes he tip his hat and said "Howdy Maam" to every woman that he saw! WHAT A CUTE KID! He still does it when he puts his hat on and that is first thing in the morning. He even got out of his bath and came downstairs and asked where his boots were and when I turned around he was naked with only his Cowboy hat on and searchin for his boots. What a hoot. Anyway we have been really enjoying seeing our family here. Enjoy just a few pictures so far.

Our sweet Kael is now seven months old. Can you believe it SEVEN! He can of course sit up and is pretty mobile when he is lying down. He loves to talk all the time and is such a happy little guy. He loves his brother so much and can sit and watch him all day. He is now enjoying a good variety of veggies to eat and has now enjoyed some puff treats. GROWING LIKE A WEED is about all I can say for this little guy.

The boys first, of many I am sure, wagon trips together. Kael was tickled pink to be included as you can see.

Bye boys!

Vance and his cowboy hat after church. Rule number one is no cowboy hat to church and rule two is no hat at the table.

My sweet guys. I love this picture even though Vance didn't want to smile it was still a sweet picture.

Grandma, Kael, and Aunt Amie enjoying some time after chruch.

Kael and his sweet smile. Such a happy boy.

Vance in his boot and hat. What a sweet Cowboy!!!