The Birdno Family 2010
Another year has come and gone with never a dull moment for sure. This year began with many ups and downs as we traveled back and forth from Arizona to see family. We celebrated 6 years of marriage in February. We also bought our first home in March. We are grown-ups now J. We have been blessed to be able to see both of our families this year and look forward to many more exciting trips as a family.
Curtis really enjoys his new job. He loves the people he works with and really enjoys making a difference everyday. Not long after we moved to Falcon he was called into the Elders Quorum Presidency. He doesn’t need to find things to keep himself busy that is for sure but he always finds time to play with the boys.
Crystal was called to teach the Young Women and truly loves her calling. She attended Young Women’s Camp in June and learned so much. She gave birth to Merek David in August on his due date and has been busy taking care of all her boys since.
Vance turned four this year and became a sunbeam. He has developed so much. He loves to play in his back yard, especially in the sand box daddy made. He is an extremely loving and helpful big brother. He loves to play games, build with his blocks, dress up as a super hero, play dinosaurs, and attempt to read and write.
Kael turned one in February and seems so big now. He started walking and talking this year. He also made the leap to big brother as well, which he has taken to very well. He loves to do whatever Vance does and can’t get enough of his brothers. He loves to sing and dance and is often found doing so in around the house.
Merek came into our lives in August and is four months now. Time flies by when you are having fun. He loves to laugh at his brothers. He can almost sit up and loves to play in his excersaucer. His laugh is contagious and can be heard almost all day. He is such a sweet and happy boy.
There is our life this year. We are so thankful to our Father in Heaven for the blessings we have been given and for our Savior Jesus Christ for his example and love. We are grateful for this time of year that we have to serve one another and remember the Saviors birth. We love you all and hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
The Birdno Family
Curtis, Crystal, Vance, Kael, and Merek