Our sweet Kael is already 5 months old and I am in a state of complete shock. The time has flown by and I am just so blessed to have this sweet little guy in our home. Here is a list of some of the things that he is doing now:
*Eating rice cereal, obviously
*Loves to blow bubbles with his mouth
*Loves to make the motor boat sounds with his mouth
*Is beginning to grab and hold his toys, and binky
*Loves to laugh at his big brother
*Rolls over, but only when he feels like it
*Is starting to sit up on his own
*Can scoot himself a few feet when he is laying on his stomach
*Loves to play in his excersaucer
*Sleeps through the night, one of my favorite things
*Made his first big road trips to Minnesota and then Oklahoma
*Loves his Mommy and Daddy
*Stats are 15 lbs 25 inches long as of three weeks ago so who know what he is now.
Our Vance is almost 3 and that is something I am not talking about. No just teasing but it is crazy how much he has grown in the last few months even. What a big boy he is. He is mostly potty trained, except for night time, and can now go potty standing up. He does a pretty good job of it to. He loves to read and is now tell us stories. His current favorite to tell us is the Three Bears. He is getting really good at it. His imagination is developing and it is so fun to listen to him play around on his own and hear the funny things he makes up. He is such a great big brother to Kael. This morning I was doing the dishes and Kael started crying but I couldn't get to him right away then all of the sudden I hear this rattling sound and no more crying so I look over and Vance is sitting on the floor next to Kael and entertaining him with his Caterpillar rattle. What a good helper he is. Of course along with the sweet there is some mischief. He loves to rub "lotion" on himself and I have discovered him rubbing vaseline, diaper rash cream, deodorant, and toothpaste on himself, just to name a few. This afternoon he was supposed to be going to the bathroom and I was putting Kael down for a nap when I started smelling something and so I went into the bathroom and he had Curtis' Tommy cologne and was spraying it and he said "Look and I am spraying the bug" so I looked and sure enough there was a fly that he sprayed sitting on the floor. What a goof. We love our Vance and look forward to the future and what other surprises he has in store for us. Below are some pictures of his favorite thing to do. He loves to get crayons and separate them into colors, whether it is at home or at a restaurant or anywhere he loves to do this. Clever clever!