Happy 2nd Birthday to our monkey Vance!!! Yesterday was our Vance's birthday and it was so fun. These last two years have been the best of our lives and we have cherished every moment with him. If you ask Vance how old he is he will probably tell you he is three which is hilarious because I don't know why he skipped two but he is determined that he is three now. We are still in shock that it has been two years but even though the time has flown it has been amazing. I remember the first time I got to hold him in the hospital. What a joy it was to have him finally here and it has been a joy ever since. He is really an amazing little boy. He has a love for life like no one I have ever known. I learn so much from him everyday. My favorite times are when he decides he just wants to come and give me hugs and kisses. He is always so sweet. It is so funny how quickly they get into the "I can do it all myself stage" and that has literally been an overnight thing. He of course had things that he liked to do by himself but now it is everything by himself. One of my favorite memories was probably the first time that he saw the Mickey Mouse clubhouse. He just got up and started dancing and turning all around the room. It was one of the funnest times. One of Curtis' favorite things about Vance is how quickly he learns things. He is like a sponge just ready to take in the whole world if you would let him. We have been so blessed to have this little boy in our lives and we are truly looking forward to the rest of our lives to see what he will do. We know that he is going to do great things and we are just grateful that we get to be a part of his life. WE LOVE YOU VANCE!!!!!!
So since Vance's first word was ball we decided that this birthday would be a sports theme. This is a picture of the beginning stages of his cake.

Here is the finished product. Turned out pretty good. Thanks mom!!

We took Vance to Chucky Cheese for his birthday party and he couldn't wait to play the games. This is the game he got to play before we got our food.

So excited that he got orange soda and pizza. What a cutie.

I'm a big boy now and I don't need my pizza cut. I cut him up a piece of pizza and he just reached over the plate and grabbed himself a big piece to eat. He did really well with chewing it up.

Big Bite!!!

Vance looking longingly at the games in the other room but he waited until he was done eating.

He was a little skeptical about Chucky but he enjoyed the ride once it started going.

This was his favorite thing to do. We spent half of our time here at the horse ride. He loved it!!!

His cowboy yell "Yee-Haw!"

Knock those eggs off Vance!

He wanted nothing to do with Chucky in real life.

Daddy helping him get balls of honey for his pot. I am not sure if he could see anything inside this game but he had a ball none the less.

Any game will balls was a winner.

He was very enthusiastic about the Skee ball game. It took everything I had for him to not take the balls from the kids playing around us.

He wanted to play air hockey so we did. Once he figured out the paddle hit the ball across the table he did a great job.

You have to play with daddy to.

Vance on the Roller Coaster ride. What a silly guy.

His surprise cake and party stuff.

He didn't want to stop playing to take this picture so it is not a very happy face. He just started making this face this weekend. We don't know where it came from.

Him running around with his balloons.

Vance with his football glasses.

Blowing out the candle on his cake. We sat there for probably five minutes lighting the candle over and over so he could blow out the candle. He just kept saying "Gain, Gain" which is again. It was so funny. He did great with blowing out the candles.

He ripped right into his presents with no hesitation. He loved is baseball bat from Mimi and Papa.

Getting ready to grip and swing away.

Swinging at his fuzzy ball.

What is in this one?

A ball of course.

He decided to do the golf swing with it instead of hitting it in the air.

He got some sports pj's

And then he got his glove.

He was the batter, pitcher, baseman, and outfielder all in one.

So cute.

The big surprise was his little jeep that we bought him. Curtis painted it for him and he loved it.

I could barely get this picture before he hopped in to take off.

What a doll. Great paint job daddy!!

Doesn't he look so grown up.

Mimi trying to lead him away from the trees.

Look at that face.

A picture with Daddy!!

We had to light the candle again when it was time for him to eat his cake. Here is the wind up breath.

And that candle is out.

Hurray I did it.

He wouldn't dig into it without a fork. How proper.

I got some on my fingers.

But he it isn't a bad thing after all.

Good bite.


These are his presents on his real birthday.

A fireman hat which he found before but he was still happy to unwrap it.

He would only wear it backwards too. So cute.

His light-saber. Why that came with his Knights costume stuff I will never know but it did.

Here is all his knights stuff.

My knight is shining armor. What a sweet boy.

He thought his shield was a hat but once I should him what to do with it he loved it.

Look at that smile. What an angel.

His first sword fight with daddy.

Curtis was trying to record while having a sword fight.

The rest of his little gifts.

A pack of Lightning Mcqueen pencils.

And some glow in the dark braclets. A fun family past time.

Opening his card from Grandma and Grandpa Birdno.

He said "book" when he first opened it.

He had to have some of the glow in the dark braclets before we went to dinner. So proud.

Silly boys!!! Aren't they so cute!

Of course we had to get him a basketball hoop. He wouldn't try to shoot it without us lifting him up to dunk it.

Showing off his muscles in his whole outfit complete with glow in the dark braclets.

We went to Chili's for dinner and he was so excited when he got his birthday Sundae. He loved it.

His attempt at a smile when I took him away from his sundae for a picture. What a sweetheart. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VANCE!!!!

NO WAY!! He is already 2?! That is CRAZY!!!! He is soooooooooo cute Crystal and Curtis!! 2 is such a fun age...my most favorite age so far. Enjoy your little cutie, and btw, your hair is looking so cute! I have always loved your hair =O)
Looks like a fun b-day party and what a cute birthday boy! Happy birthday Vance!
Wow! he hit the jackpot. His cake was so cute. I also loved those football glasses. It's crazy how fast they grow. He is getting so big and dang cute.
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