We have been busy around here but I thought I would just make a quick post with some cute pictures for you all to enjoy. Vance started soccer last week and he loves it. Kael is of course walking now and just enjoying life. We have been working hard to get our yard under control before spring hits too hard and that has involved a lot of cutting and trimming. So enjoy these pictures of our cute boys.

Vance smiling at the camera?

Dinner with Curtis' Uncle Lynn and Aunt Heather when they came down here to visit their cousins in Greeley. It was so much fun thanks you guys!

Vance is so happy to have his "Cool" glasses on when we went on a picnic.

Kael enjoying the sunny day.

Us on a picnic at the park. It was a little windy.

Kael enjoying his food.

And this face is just classic! Love it.

Curtis and Vance cutting down the dead tree in the front yard. Vance is showing us his guns.

Being really helpful.

And all the tree scattered about the yard. But now we have some firewood for an emergency, even though it isn't much it is there.

Vance in his soccer stuff.

Showing us the "Thumbs up" he was so excited.

Gearing up to save the goal.

Running and having fun.

Learning to Dribble the ball.
PS. His coach reminds me of my dad in so many ways. It cracks me up everytime I talk to him. LOVE YOU DAD!
Here is a video of Kael walking so everyone can enjoy. He is all over the place now and just loving it.
This is a video of Vance at Soccer practice. Enjoy!
Love it. Can't believe he is old enough to play sports already.
The picture of Vance showing off his guns, CRACKS ME UP! He is his fathers child!!
I love all your pictures. Vance looks so old in his soccer gear! And I love your family picture at the top- what a CUTE family!
Also- congratulations on having another boy! I'm excited for you!
Your boys are so cute! Love the pics of Vance. You can tell he loves soccer. I know this is very late, but CONGRATS on baby boy # 3! I am so excited for you guys! How are you liking Colorado?
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