I guess it is time to put on pictures from our halloween adventures together before it was Thanksgiving! We had a great time this year. Vance was so excited about it for weeks before it happened which of course made Kael excited, although he wasn't sure why he was excited. Vance wanted to be Superman at first, then a cowboy, then a cowboy with super powers, until he finally decided to be Buzz Lightyear. Kael was a pirate and Merek a little dragon. We first did Boo at the Zoo and enjoyed trick-or-treating around the zoo. Then we carved our pumpkins and finally had out ward trunk-or-treat along with the community center's games. It was all really fun, although we did miss Curtis. He was in Iowa for a classmates wedding. So there you are. Enjoy our pictures.
This last weekend we had the chance to go to the Denver temple and so we went to dinner at IHOP. Some fun pictures at dinner.
Daddy and Vance
Mommy and Merek, in cognito!
Merek and Daddy
Vance with his drumsticks
And of course sweet Kael and his "CHEESE"!
I also need to put down Mereks' stats so I won't forget them:
Wt: 11 lbs 8oz
Ht: 24 inches
Grabbing at things
Recognizes all our faces
Trying to sit up, silly guy
Sleeps through the night, OH YEAH BABY!
Cooing and jabbering all time.
Loves his tummy time
1 comment:
SOOO CUTE!! You have the most beautiful boys ever!! It was so good to see Curtis we only hope to see you too next time!
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