Happy Halloween!! We had a great Halloween this year with amazing weather. The boys loved dressing up and loved that Daddy did as well. This year we were all Super Heroes!! Vance was Spiderman, Kael was Buzz Lightyear and a pirate, Merek was Jack-Jack, Curtis was Wolverine, and I was Super mom. Vance thought it was the coolest time ever because he got to have a party at school and go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood while the little boys had to go to bed. Curtis talked everyone at work into dressing up as a Super Hero retirement home, hence the white hair and rainbow suspenders. We hope you all had a great time, I know we did!
The whole Family
So sweet
Vance pinning Humpty on the wall
Kaels turn
A little closer picture of Vances face pain I did
The boys pumpkin. Vance got to carve his first pumpkin this year and was thrilled
Of course we couldn't do pumpkins without Sparky
The Wolverine
Grandpa Wolverine
The boys with dad at work
Fun little face
Going fishin
Is that a bean bag or a really big M&M
Toss that bag
You can't see it but behind Vances head are three bowls and Kael had to guess which one had the candy under it. When she said where is the candy he pointed right to the big bowl of candy as you can see in this picture. SO FUNNY!!
Ring toss
Look at that form
Future football players
LOVE the chops Curtis!! And of course cute kiddos!
Love the costumes and the cute pumpkins! And you are definitely Super Mom!
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