Vance and Crystal are getting ready to go for a walk around the temple. His hat was a little small but he was happy in spite of it. What a cute kid!!!!

This is Vance eating carrots. He loves them and boy are they orange.

Hey mom whatcha doin?

If you look around Vances' mouth you will see that it is really red because he just got done eating some frozen grapes in his mesh teether. He likes frozen things.

Bath time is one of our favorite times of the night. He loves his bath.

It is time for bed so we wrap Vance in his Kiddopotamus. He does great.

Vance still fits in his blessing outfit at 6 months and he looks like a little man.

Vances' favorite part of the exersaucer is his rubber lion. He just chews on that thing all the time.

Vance and his Uncle R.J. when he came to visit us before he went to Germany.
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