We went on a horse drawn carriage ride in Nauvoo and Vance really had a great time.

Vance wanted to help me open my mothers day gifts. He is such a great helper.

Curtis was holding Vance for his nap one day and this is his hair after he woke up. He thought it was pretty funny too!

I just thought Vance looked pretty cute so I took a picture.

This is Vance's first time eating spaghetti and he loved it. Of course he rubbed it all over his face including in his eyes so we had to hurry and take this picture. It is pretty cute though.

Vance found a new favorite place. He loves going under the side table so I have to make sure there is nothing down there at all times.

Curtis's first day of school. Doesn't he look great!!

Vance wanted to crawl into Daddy's bag and go to school too!

If that is not a guilty face then I don't know what is. Vance decided to take advantage of mom being out of the room for a minute and this is what he did.

Our ward had a softball game on Memorial Day and Curtis played in the game. He really had a great time. GO DADDY!!!

Vance and Crystal watching the game.

Aunt Ella gave Crystal these maraca's when I was younger and I knew they would be appreciated by someone else as well and boy was I right. Vance loves them he just sat and played with them forever. Thank you Aunt Ella!!!

Vance was eating a biscuit and just made a mess. We love to see it and how cute they look but we don't like to clean up the mess!! I think it is worth it though.

Curtis wanted to see what Vance's hair would look like in a Fo-hawk and here it is. Personally it is a favorite. He can wear anything this kid.
Your kid has the coolest hair I have ever seen. Man, what a doll face!
This is great info to know.
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