Here is everyone's favorite part I am sure. Here are some pictures of Vance being Vance and a few pictures with us in them. Enjoy

We decided to go to a Kernel's game which is the minor league baseball team from Cedar Rapids. It was really fun and we got some really fun metal lunchboxes so that made it even better. Vance wanted Curtis's soda so he kept looking down.

What is in your mouth? Who knows.

Go Kernel's. He just loves sports, like father like son!!!!

What is over there? It is another seat well what do you know.

This is Liz, she is in Curtis's program with him. She is awesome. Vance is playing with some fun sunglasses. He loves sunglasses.

Some of the sisters in our ward got together and we all went to this petting zoo at a local dairy in Iowa City. It was a hot day but we had a great time and Vance loved the animals. There are some geese behind him.

He wasn't sure about the baby goat but he got sort of close to it.

There were donkeys right in front of him and he is looking the other way at who knows what, but he sure is cute.

Vance's hair is so fun in the tub and so we wanted to take some pictures of it so everyone could see. He is posing in this picture so that made it even better.

CHEESE, curly top!!

Curtis's Uncle Ron came into town and we went out to dinner with him. It was great to see some family and Curtis and Uncle Ron had a lot to talk about so it was really fun.

We saw a sign for a pumkin patch on the side of the road so we decided it would make a great "Between sessions" trip so we went and I took these pictures of the boys. It was a beautiful day and the pumpkins were really great.
You guys look like you are having so much fun in Iowa. And Vance is just the cutest little boy ever. He must take after his Aunt Jami:)
I just thought of something. Cutest little boy ever for about another 5 weeks, then move over for the Bushman baby!!
hey-how's school going-Crystal, are you hanging in there? Well, to answer your question about putting the music random with my playlist, I had to think for a minute-when you go to get the code to put it on your blog, it should ask you if you want the songs random, and you can even pick a color for your player to be. Then, just copy and paste the code it gives you into the right space in your blog. Technology these days-I hope this helps! By the way-your family is so cute, and you guys look really happy! good luck with everything!
I'm glad you got the music thing going-it can be confusing! Josh is in his first year here at Optometry school-I swear, the stuff they put those guys through-you'd think they were trying to torture them. There is so much to learn, and not enough time to do it. But, it will be worth it-you guys are in the same boat, so we can feel for each other. You guys look like you're doing well and having lots of fun. How neat to be so close to Nauvoo!
So, I'm jealous of the fields in Iowa. I would give just about anything to get out of this cursed city and go camping or pumpkin-picking or cow-tipping, or throw rocks off a bridge...or whatever you guys do out there in Iowa!!! jk. I hope you guys are hanging in there. We should keep in contact a little better. I love school, even though it is the most difficult thing ever. I totally feel like I can relate to you guys. I seriously stay up every day until 2 or 3, or even 4 am just to wake up and be on the train by 7 to get to class by 8. NYC is SOOOO overrated, but fun. I love you guys and hope you're doing AMAZING in corn country!
You don't know me, but I went to high school with Curtis. You all look adorable! Vance is the cutest little boy, second only to my son...
Hi Birdno Family! This is Bethany Hill (Day) I went to H.S. with Curtis and I got you blog threw jami's or Cori's, anyway, Vance is so stinkin' cute and you guys look so happy and full of life! hang in there with the school and all that stuff, won't last forever! Ton's of love from good ol' St. George, Bethany
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