As if everyone couldn't already guess what Curtis was going to carve into his pumpkin but here is proof. He did a Sundevil and I did a Trick or Treat one. It was really fun carving pumpkins. It was our Family Home Evening this week. Funny story, while we were outside carving our pumpkins there were a ton of Ladybugs flying around our deck. So I was pulling seeds and stuff out of my pumpkin when I hear Curtis say "No Vance spit it out!" I just said I don't even want to know but I could guess what it was. Yes you guessed it... My son ate a Ladybug!!!! I know all you moms of toddlers out there are laughing because you know all about it but this was my first gross out moment when my son ate a bug. I am sure it won't be the last but I don't think it will get any easier. Well I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween. We love you all!!!


It is kind of blurry but you can still tell what it is.

Here is a picture of what it looked like not lit up.

Here they both are up on the porch. When I went out to light them I got attacked by lady bugs and you can't see them but there are a ton on the light parts of our pumpkins. It was a little creepy but I would rather have lady bugs than some other things.

Here they are all lit up. Pretty impressive huh!!!!
Those pumpkins turned out awesome!!! And your costumes....oh my heck! PRICELESS!!! You guys are awesome!
Where did you learn how to carve professional pumpkins? You are seriously awe inspiring.
Hey! I tagged you and Curtis. You can look on our blog to see the rules. Do it if you feel like it. No pressure. It is fun to do a little self reflection once in a while.
Hey Crystal! It's Brittney Dayton.. It's good to see your blog and what you are up too! Love the costumes!
Take care!
Hey Brittney! It's Amy Stewart. How the heck are you? and Crystal I'm still waiting to hear from you! :)
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