Monday, December 10, 2007


Okay so maybe it isn't just boys maybe it is just kids in general but I only have a boy so that is what I am blaming it on. So Vance is getting in that stage where he is just all over the place but most recently there has been something strange. We have been having snow and freezing rain for the past few weeks and so it has been pretty slick outside. So this weekend we caught Vance chewing on the bottom of Curtis' shoe and we both just couldn't understand why he kept doing it until Curtis saw what he was chewing on..... SALT!! Yes that is right salt, he was licking the salt that they put on the sidewalks to melt the sidewalks off the bottom of our shoes. OH MAN!! It was so funny but gross at the same time. He is so much fun and everyday is a new experience. Just thought I would share that story with you all. Love ya!!!


This Is Our Heaven.... said...

OH MY HECK!! That is so funny! I wonder how he found out about the salt in the first place. LOL!!! Boys will be boys!

Amy said...

That is funny! Thanks for sharing! Its good to know there's other gross kids out there!

Teresa :) said...

That is too funny. Dont worry I dont think that is just a boy thing. I catch my girls doing stuff like that all the time.