This has been a great week for us. On Wednesday we celebrated our 4th anniversary. I know I can't believe it has been 4 years but it has been the best four years of my life. I have the kindest, sweetest, loving, most handsome husband in the world. He is such an amazing father to Vance and such a great example for both of us. He works so hard to make a secure future for us. I am so blessed that he chose me as his companion. Each day I fall in love with him more and more. We are very blessed in our lives that we have each other. I thank my Father in Heaven daily for blessing me with this amazing man. We are lucky because our anniversary falls on the 13th which is the day before Valentines day and so the whole world is celebrating their love the same time we are celebrating our marriage. Everywhere I went this week I was reminded about that special day in my life and that is such a great thing to have. Over the last four years there has been a lot of things that have come into our lives but the greatest blessing of all was our son Vance. He has made us grow stronger as a family and he helps us to remember to laugh at ourselves. Curtis is a great example to Vance and you can see the special bond that my boys have and I am thankful for that. We love all our family and thank them for the support they have given us and we hope that we can return it ten fold in the future. To my love, my friend, my rock, my life.... I love you baby, I am so excited for the rest of eternity that I get to spend with you.
Your pictures are adorable! I'm so glad you found us, Steve served his mission with Chris Reed, they are good buddies! It is a small mormon world isn't it? haha
Hey Crystal - So I am now a part of the blogger world. Took me a while, but I eventually caved in and found your blog. Your little boy is a cutie! Hope all is going well.
Hey! It's so funny that you say that because Anthon's dad just talked to all of his kids about maybe going to Navoo as a family in a couple of months. I don't know if we will be able to but if we end up going I will let you know! Well, I hope you guys have a great day! I love your family pictures!
Hey girlie! I haven't sold the store yet, but we're still truckin' along. It's getting to the point to where it's almost too hard to let go. We've had some oportunities come up that have helped us to see open doors,so it may change things, but we will have to see. We are so busy right now, I couldn't add anything more. Everything is great. All is perfect actually, except the lack of time. So we're working on getting that back. I'm trying so hard to go to AZ to see family too. I miss everyone sooooo much. I think we all do. So that's kinda what is up with us. Talk with you later.
Happy anniversary! I am glad that it was a good one. Your pictures are cute.
I love that family photo!!
Your pictures are so cute. Happy Anniversary. Its hard to beleive how fast time goes.
What great wedding shots. It's fun to see the parts of your life that are so important. Happy Anniversary!
Your pictures are adorable! I'm so glad you found us, Steve served his mission with Chris Reed, they are good buddies! It is a small mormon world isn't it? haha
Hey Crystal - So I am now a part of the blogger world. Took me a while, but I eventually caved in and found your blog. Your little boy is a cutie! Hope all is going well.
Crystal, is your maiden name Bryant or Bigler by any chance? Steve was talking to Chris about you.
crystal, what beautiful pictures. . .not that hard with how cute you guys are!
Hey! It's so funny that you say that because Anthon's dad just talked to all of his kids about maybe going to Navoo as a family in a couple of months. I don't know if we will be able to but if we end up going I will let you know!
Well, I hope you guys have a great day! I love your family pictures!
Hey girlie! I haven't sold the store yet, but we're still truckin' along. It's getting to the point to where it's almost too hard to let go. We've had some oportunities come up that have helped us to see open doors,so it may change things, but we will have to see. We are so busy right now, I couldn't add anything more. Everything is great. All is perfect actually, except the lack of time. So we're working on getting that back.
I'm trying so hard to go to AZ to see family too. I miss everyone sooooo much. I think we all do. So that's kinda what is up with us. Talk with you later.
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