So as some of you know we had a little scare with Vance on Friday morning. We took him into the ER to try and get him some help. They couldn't figure out what was going on with him but he was just laying there not moving, not talking, not smiling, nothing. He was just laying there and sleeping and when he was awake he wasn't doing anything. Needless to say we were scared out of our minds. They took blood, a head CT, a urine sample, and a nasal flush to try and figure out what it was. He was put on an IV to rehydrate him because he was a little dehydrated but they still didn't know what it was. They decided to admit him just to observe him overnight and finally at about 6pm he woke up and ate something and started moving and talking a little bit. Thankfully the next morning he was ok but that day was the worst day of my life. I hate not knowing what is going on. I can handle it if I know but not knowing was killing me. I was an emotional wreck but through the thoughts and prayers of our family and friends he got better and I was able to deal with everything. He got discharged on Saturday at about 2:30pm and we still didn't know what had caused it. When we got home the PA called us and told us that the Nasal flush had shown that he had Parainfluenza 3 which is a virus that can cause croup and that that might have been what had caused him to act that way. So finally we knew what we needed to do and where to go from there. He is doing so much better and back to his normal active self, thank goodness. I used to get so tired and frustrated with him jumping and running all over the place but you never know how much you love that until he doesn't do it anymore. I am so thankful to my Father in heaven for making our precious son whole again. I am also so grateful for my amazing husband Curtis and his strength when I had none. He was such a great support to me even though he was going through the same things with me. He is so much stronger than I am and I am so blessed to have him in my life. Well here are some pictures of Vance with his little IV.

Poor little man! I can't imagine how you made it through Crystal! I'm so glad that everything worked out. . .that has got to be the worst feeling to sit by and watch your baby go through that! You guys are so strong together, and I'm so happy everyone is on the mend!
Oh my goodness. I can't imagine. I got really sad just thinking of having to do anything like that with my kids. I really hope everything gets better from here on out. So sorry. Love you tons.
I'm so glad he's okay!! The powers of prayer and faith are amazing. And you are probably a lot stronger than you realize :)
I'm so glad that he is doing good. That would be so hard as a mom to go through, you are so amazing and so strong! So sorry that this happen to your family.
Hey, it's Melanie Frost. Wow, how scary, I'm glad everything ended up ok. Your little boy is adorable and he's getting so big. It's amazing how fast time flies. Marissa is 3 year old!! Owen is already 12 weeks, it just seemed like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.
Hey Crystal...I'm so glad to see that everything turned out okay after a scary time for you guys. There really can't be very many things worse than that feeling of not knowing what's going on with your baby and not knowing how to fix it! I'm so proud of you for getting through it and so glad you have a fantastic husband to hold you up as well. None of us can be strong all the time! You did an awesome job.
Had he been in to the doctor for a well check or anything recently before that all happened? I know a lot of kids have similar episodes following shots. Sometimes they have allergies to ingredients in the vaccines and, unfortunately, there isn't any kind of screening. Sorry, I'm blabbing on. I have just heard of so many similar instances that I wondered about that.
By the way, the haircut is PRECIOUS!!! You're very talented. :)
Hey, I'm so sorry to hear about your little boy. Isn't that the worst. McKay had to have an IV when he was 6 days old and it was torture!! I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that. I'm glad everything is ok now.
Also, good job on the hair cut. I don't know if I could ever do a good using scissors. I just use one of those buzzer, clipper things. I don't know what they are called... anyway, you did a good job. He looks like a stud!! :o)
Oh my goodness! That is so scary! I would have lost it. I am so glad he is doing better and hope all is well.
Ah, scary! I had no idea! I'm glad he's doing better and I do like his haircut! Let me know if you need anything.
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