So thank all of you that have been praying for our area. It has been a tragedy but we are coming out of this as a stronger community. It is going to take some time to recover but we can recover and that is such a blessing. Thankfully our home was not in danger but we do know some families that have lost their homes so that is very difficult. I can tell you that I have never seen anything like this in my life and I will never forget it as long as I live. To see the businesses you go to and the streets that you drive on under water is quite a shock. I can't imagine how the owners of the businesses and the homes that were flooded feel. My thoughts and prayers go out to them at this time. We were given the amazing opportunity to go and help sandbag to protect some of those businesses and homes and what a blessing that was. There are so many great people in our community and I was reminded about that during this time. It gives me hope that the world is not falling apart. There are many good people that are willing to stand up and help and that is amazing. So thank you to all of those people out there, what a great example you are to me. Anyway, here are just some of the pictures of our area during the flood so that you can see it too.

This is looking down the Coralville strip.

There is the Pita Pit.

This is a picture of them pumping water of the bridge down by campus.

This is a street is Iowa City that is right by the river.

Here we are getting ready to go sandbag.

A bridge in town.

Look at the water at the Village Inn.

Us on a road in down town Iowa City.

The guys sandbagging.

A pile of sandbags that the boys worked on one day.

Some cars in a parking lot.

A carousel in a park that we used to go play in. There is a train track that goes around it too.

A view of the Coralville strip from the air.

The Walgreens in the upper left and the Days Inn in the lower right.

Another view with the Hardees in the bottom left.

The Wig and Pen restaurant.

The Sonic parking lot with the National Guard going in to check on things.

The University of Iowa Softball fields.

Taco Bell

The Hardees
Wow Crystal. These pictures are insane. I'm glad you guys were ok!!
Crazy! I'm glad that you and your family are ok!
That is sooo crazy!! I'm glad that you guys are safe and have a home still. That would be so wild to go through and see!
Wow! I am so glad that you guys are o.k. I can't believe it, even looking at the pictures I still can't fathom what it would be like there. Keep up the good work.
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