Vance started swimming lessons last week and he loved them. I knew after our trip to Arizona that he would do really well. He is getting more brave with every lesson. He loves to walk around and squat in the little pool so that the water comes up to his chin and bounce up and down. He is really good at kicking as well. His favorite activity would probably have to be jumping from the side of the pool into my, or daddy's, arms. It is a really fun thing to be with him and I am so glad that we chose to do them this year instead of waiting. Now everyday he comes up to me and says " Po poo?" It took me a little while to really figure out that he was saying swimming pool and not the other thing. The worst part about swim lessons is leaving the pool at the end. He screams the whole way home and is grumpy the rest of the night. But it is worth it I think because he loves it.

Crystal!! I found you on Marti Caldwells Dewitts blog. Its Rachell Palmer Massey! I miss you soo much and can't believe that I found your blog I am so excited to keep in touch. I have a blog it is How are you guys doing in Iowa? Are you ok? Miss you soo much and I am so glad that I found you I love keeping in touch! Your little family is so adorable.
Hey Crystal! How are things going? That is so cute that you have Vance in swimming lessons! Looks like a lot of fun! Keep in touch!
You have a little fish on your hands. There is no other way to spend a summer but in a pool. I am glad Vance is doing so well at lessons.
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