Vance riding his Giraffe George around the kitchen. He wanted me to ride his dinosaur so that is what I am holding.

He had started out with both of them but left the dinosaur and kept riding George.

This is one of the buildings on the strip in Coralville that was hit by the flood. You can see the water line on the building now. It is crazy how high it was.

We decided to go have lunch with daddy while he was studying and this is how Vance wanted to eat his corn dog. Silly boy.

Vance trying to play with the sparklers. He loved the fireworks, except for the fact that they were really loud.

Coming down the slide.

We looked over and this is what Vance was doing. Can you believe it?

Showing us his candy that he went get during the parade.

So much candy. he loved it.

He also went and got a water bottle. So cute.

Just a cute kid.

Clapping to the one man band.

Our friends Tyler, Elsha, and Ian with Vance before the parade started.

Our little family waiting for the parade. Vance was so excited.

These dogs were such a great distraction while we were waiting, however, they are HUGE!! That dogs face is bigger than my whole head I am not joking. I can't believe Vance would even go close to those things but he loved them. They were super slobbery too.
Vance is so cute! I love how he calls his giraffe George! You have such a cute family!
Aww, I wish we were in a place cool enough for a parade! I want my little man to go to a parade!
Hey girl! it looks like you guys had a great 4th! I was so glad to find you and your little family is so cute! Can't wait till mine decided to come along. By the way I love yellow on you! I am so glad that you guys were ok during the floods. So scary! I miss you like crazy when are you coming back to visit az? Oh I got Roys invitation to the reception! He looks so happy! Does he have a blog that you know about? How did it go? Were you guys able to attend? Anyway I am so glad that we can keep in contact! Chell
Well life is just seeming to fly right now! We are actually living in Eagar which is about 45 min east of Show Low. It was a bit of a hard adjustment for me but now that it is summer i am truly enjoying it here. There summers are beautiful. Jeff is working as a buyer for Salt River Project in town and I was just called to be the 2nd couslor in the Relief Society. Wow I feel so immature to be doing this calling and I am finally finishing my Associates and next semester is my last one and it s a pretty heavy load sooo.....guess we will see what I am made of this next semester huh. Well I was going to have a summer job but at the end of May we got into a car accident trying to miss and Elk and I seperated my shoulder and totalled my beautiful Toyota Corolla...tear...so needless to say I haven't had a vehicale to do much job hunting or even be able to go to a job. We do have a quad that is licensed and I drive that around town for some of my little chores and when it rains I just have to stay inside. Luckly my inlaws live not to far away and they have been so kind to let me borrow thier car here and there. Still no kids for us yet..We have been seeing a fertility doctor for about 3 years now and if nothing happens we are going to adopt next year. I am so excited I already have the paperwork filled out! I can't wait to be a mom. Well sorry this is getting long but I am so glad to keep up with you. Your layout is so cute where did you get it? And what has been happening with you lately? Do you like Iowa? Do you get to see family very much? Where is your husband from? How did you guys meet? Spare no detail...he he he I feel like we are in High School again. By the way I have to tell you something that just cracked me up...you know that OLD multicolored truck that Brain Willis had in High School...well it is still alive and kicking...same color...can you believe almost 10 years later..I don't know what he feeds it but wow that things was 100 years old in high school. Well so good to keep in touch with you! Write back. Chell
You guys are the cutest little family!! Looks like you had a fun 4th of July!
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