Well Keal is changing more and more everyday. He is such a joy to have in our home. He is now 9 weeks old, oh my word! The time has flown by and I am trying to enjoy every moment I can. We had his 2 month appointment on Friday and his stats are as follows:
Weight: 11lbs 13 1/2oz
Height: 24"
Head: 15 1/2in
Things I can do: smile, turn my head from side to side to follow a sound, coo, respond to my families voices, hold my head up for several moments at a time.
These are pictures that I was taking to try and catch him as he is smiling but I didn't really get a great one but they sure are cute.
On Wednesday it was a beautiful day, actually the first warm sunny day we have had in a long time and we decided to go to the park for the first time this year. Vance had a ball and can't wait to go back. Kael wasn't impressed and slept most of the time but at least he was there. Daddy got to come with us because he had a half day and it was so great.
Vance going down the slide.
He doesn't like the swings at all!
So cute
Playing with the digger in the sand.
This was taken right before he let go of them and the scoop swung back and hit him in the forehead. He was upset for a minute and then got distracted by the kids playing and went back at it.
The big slide.
He found this boy with his sand toys and helped himself to them.
Kael's first trip to the park.
I couldn't see him so I walked over and this is what I found! Man he is growing so fast.
Daddy and Vance swinging together.

Our friends Ben and Mary Ann Robbins invited us to go down to Nauvoo and stay overnight at these great condos so we could come to the temple today. So yesterday afternoon we packed up and headed down to Nauvoo. Vance and Sam went exploring all around the back of the condos. They just had a ball and the weather was perfect for them to play outside. Sorry for all the floral pictures but these are the first blooming trees we have seen this season so I thought I would share the beauty with everyone.
The boys playing on the hill
Isn't this a cute picture?
Boys being boys.
This one is kind of hard to see but Vance is the one up on the hill and Sam is running down the front of it.
The amazing flowers blooming on the trees.
A flower up close.
This tree was the only one in that direction to have any color on it.
The yellow blossoms with the gray sky in the background.
The flowers up close.
The boys using sticks to play drums on the trunk of the tree.
So much fun.
The boys best impression of Ceasar.
Kael just before he fell asleep.
Vance at the temple

They view.
Vance getting to touch the temple. He was so excited.
He wanted to go in so bad but knew he couldn't yet. He is such a great guy.
Oh those pictures are just amazing. Thank you for posting the blossom pictures. I am so excited for that! I have been waiting...and waiting...and waiting!!
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