So we were lucky enough to have Mike and Janette come into town and they wanted to help us paint our house so we did. It was a task and yes I am 38 weeks pregnant but I was very careful.

Here is the before....

And here is the after. What do you think? I love it. Thank you so much mom and dad!

A close up of the porch. It looks really good but man it was a pain to paint that thing.

Kael decided to help us pain by stepping in the paint and getting it all over himself. He had a ball.

Vance was really helpful too but you can't see his paint as much because it is a little blurry.

We had some delicious steak one night and here is Vance gnawing on the bone. He loved it.

Grandpa in a silly hat.

Kael decided he wanted to start saying "Cheese" so here is the picture.

And finally this is my 38 week picture. There you go.
I LOVE YOUR HOUSE!!!!!! It looks so good! And so do you!
your house looks awesome! And I am so excited for you and your little growing family. Are you having a boy or a girl?
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