I have to apologize for how long it took to update our blog. We have been all over the place the last month and I have been sick for the last couple weeks so I wasn't feeling up to doing much. Anyway, it is here now and that is what is important right? So we start this post with pictures from our Memorial Day camping trip. We had a blast camping with our friends the Valdez family and the Swanson family. The boys thoroughly enjoyed getting super dirty and running free in around the forest. Curtis got to shoot some fun guns and obviously has the mark to show for it. It was a great trip. Then Grandma Birdno came into town to watch the boys while I went off to Young Women's camp. They had a ball with her while I was away. Curtis thought I had the camera so there are no pictures of their week together but it was eventful. I had a blast at camp and was so excited to see my boys at the end of the week. They picked me up at camp and we headed straight for Arizona and the Birdno family reunion. That is what I am calling it anyway. We hadn't seen Curtis' sister Michelle and her family for 3 and 1/2 years so it was a reunion to me. I was sick that week so I really didn't get many pictures so I am sorry about that but we did get family pictures while we were there. The boys played outside all day with their cousins and we played pitch, I made jewelry, Curtis made some pens, we went on several outings, and overall just enjoyed being together as a family. Thanks Mom and Dad for everything it was great. This weekend was the 4th and we went to the Falcon Freedom Days for a bit and Vance learned how to stack cups. It was really hot so we didn't stay long but we did enjoy some fun family fireworks on Saturday and a BBQ with friends on Sunday. It has been a very busy month and hopefully we can keep up to date a little better before the baby comes in 6 weeks or less. Crazy! Anyway enjoy our pictures.

Kael enjoying some yummies.

Dirty face...good, licorice...good, camping...good!

Vance cheesing it up for the camera.

Curtis watching the other guys shoot.

Kael feeling like a big boy.

Sugar coma? Maybe. YUM!

Curtis' turn shooting. I literally took this picture, looked away at the boys and turned around to see Curtis coming toward me with his hand over his head and this....

What thing to do our first day camping.

All cleaned up.

My patch job.

Kael looking at Daddy's owie.

Kael in Daddy's hat.

So cute.

Vance reading Kael a book.

So sweet

Excited to see Grandma at the airport.

What a look.

Finally a sweet smile.

Grandma is here.

Loves and hugs.

Lunch at Olive Garden, Vance was going at it with both hands.

Good stuff.

Playing on the fountain at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Oh so fun to be wet.

Splish splash rocks!

Grandma turing a pen.

Our family picture

All the grandkids, minus Breanna.

The whole clan together! Aren't we adorable!

Playing in the bounce house, thanks Bryce and Marci.

Aunt Amie making sure Kael is safe with the big kids.

Sweet big brother helping Kael.

Fun fun!

The little ones loving jumping.

Vance takes a turn.

Aunt Cami taking some pictures.

Lynneah looking unsure.

Landon and Mikayla helping Lynneah jump.

Kael wanting to give Vance a hug.

Oh sweet loves.

Cute boys.

Kael doing his shrug. It is so funny to see him do it over and over. His little chubs rolling over his no-neck. So sweet.

How can you not just melt at this face.

So silly.

Vance doing his best shrug.

Tough face dad. You can see the scar is healing nicely.

Oh I love this boy.


The boys enjoying the sand box daddy built them.

So fun.

They really play well together.

Hi Kael!

Vance learning to stack cups.

Pretty good.

I am the master!
Looks like a lot of fun! I can't believe you are only 6 weeks from your due date! I know you don't think so, but that went by fast! :o) People said that to me all the time and, of course, I didn't agree:o) But good luck and your boys are dang cute!
I love your new family picture. Your hair is so cute on you! Hope all goes well with the baby coming.
hey hey! I was just thinking about you guys over the weekend. Curtis, I'm glad you got hit in between the eyes, and not in the eyes. How bad would that have been?! Although it would be cool to play pirate for a few months, I'm sure. Be careful!
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