Today my baby you turned two. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. It really feels like yesterday that you surprised us all and made an early arrival the day after Valentines day instead of the last week of March. I should have known then that you would always do things on your own terms and in your own time frame. In the last year you started walking, said your first words, and became a big brother. You are truly a sweet little guy. I know it has been a tough year with a lot of changes but you have always had this incredible smile that could make anyone just melt in your hands. Your little personality is bursting at the seams to show the world what you can do. You love to do whatever your big brother Vance is doing and following him in whatever ways you can. I love it when I walk in the door after running to the store and you throw your arms out to me and run to me and yell "Mommy" like you haven't seen me in a month instead of 20 minutes. You get this sly little smile on your face when you do something that you know you shouldn't but you don't regret it because it was fun. Everyday you walk up to your baby brother and give him sweet hugs and kisses and it makes my heart melt seeing it because not that long ago you were my baby. You have been forced to grow a little faster than I would have wanted but you have been amazing. I love you with all my heart my sweet Kael. I knew from the first moment I was able to hold you that you were a very strong little boy with an amazing spirit that would teach me so much in my life and you already have. I know you are to little to read this now but someday you may look at this and I hope you will know how much you mean to me. There will never be a day in my life that I won't look at you and be grateful that you are my little man. Thank you for choosing our family and for being patient with your mommy that is still learning how to do this job. You are amazing! Happy Birthday my sweet boy. I LOVE YOU KAEL KAEL!!
Crystal I love your new family picture. These sweet little guys grow up so fast.... I dont remeber childhood going this fast?! You are a wonderful mother I know it! I am so glad for these blogs so we can keep up with each other!
its crazy he's two.
also happy number 7!
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