So this is going to be our last post for a while since we will be going to AZ for our vacation. I just wanted to say how proud I am of my baby Curtis. He finished his first year of PA school and we only have one more to go so that means we are half done for those of you who don't want to do the math. Anyway, this year has been full of ups and downs and through it all we have grown closer as a family. Curtis is such a hard worker and I know that he is going to be a great PA because he just has that way with people that makes them feel comfortable around him. He also has a sensitivity that is necessary when doing anything in the medical field. I am just so proud of him. So Vance is loving being around daddy more and more each day. He is constantly asking for him all day long. I think this is the funnest time for Curtis because when Vance was little it was all about mommy and now it is all about daddy. I knew it was only a matter of time but I think it is well worth it. It was so cute last night we went to a baseball game and Curtis was so excited to get Vance his first baseball, it didn't happen but it was still cute to see that excitement in him. He is like a kid again. Vance is growing more and more everyday. And, believe it or not, he is really getting to be a blonde boy. It just seems like his hair is getting lighter everyday. He is so smart. He can count to three, he knows what circles, diamonds, hearts, and triangles are, he loves to play with his ABC magnets and will sing the ABC song with them, it seems like he learns a new word or phrase everyday and loves to copy what ever mom says. My favorite phrase is "You made a mess!" he says "My ma messssss!" it is so cute. He now knows how to put his train tracks together and loves to build things with his legos. Books, books, and more books that is my life during the day but I don't mind it is great to see his enthusiasm for learning. Now that the weather has gotten better he loves to fly his kite and draw on the side walk with his chalk, another favorite word, and he really just loves being outside and like any boy enjoys throwing rocks and sticks whenever possible. He is just growing so fast. Well I guess that is enough chit chat on to the pictures.

I don't know how I get so lucky as to have these cute little kodak moments with my boys but this is precious.

Vance loves slides he just says wheeeeee the whole time.

His first go down the big slide and he loved it.

He climbed up there all by himself and just kept going down.

This is at a carnival our ward had and Vance loved the bubble station.

That is him under the balloon hat. One of the brothers in our ward gave it to him. Thanks Jared.

He was good at the ring toss because this is what he did. Sis. Anderson thought it was so cute.

Again with the walking up and putting it right in.

This time he actually stood back and threw the ball. He did get it in. Good throw baby!!

Our first/last snow cone. Just kidding he can have more but this one sure made a huge mess. But how can you get angry about a stain with a face like that.

These are just some pictures of Spring finally coming to Iowa. This is on our drive home from church. All the trees just blossomed these beautiful purple, pink, and white flowers before they turned to leaves. It has been gorgeous around here. We do have a video but I can't figure out how to get it off our camera so Curtis will have to do that.

This one is in front of our apartment. It is so pretty. We have loved it here in every season we have been here. The lord is amazing in that he created such beautiful things for us to enjoy. What a blessing it is to be able to see the beautiful colors, smell the wonderful scents, taste the delicious fruits and vegetables, touch the soft grass, and here the birds returning to there nests. We are so blessed.
I miss you guys so much I hope to get to see you soon. Have fun in AZ give Janette a hug for me. MOM
Oh, how sweet. I love all those pictures! Wow, it's gorgeous where you are! And you're coming here to AZ to the heat, huh? Haha, enjoy! You guys are all spread out all over now, aren't you? I guess that is what happens when families grow up. I hope you have a good vacation!
Cute pictures! The trees do look so beautiful. Looks like you guys are busy and having fun!
It is amazing how fast time flies. Your little boy is so cute, and congrats to Curtis. One more year to go, thats amazing. I am just amazed at all the couples that go through school,all the hard work and sacrifices, your such great examples. Brock is still trying to figure out what he wants to do. It seems to change everyday. He'll figure it out soon, I hope. Where are you guys living, it's beautiful.
Congratulations on finishing your first year of PA school. It will be over before you know it. It looks very pretty there. I love it when all the flowers are blooming. Enjoy your vacation in Arizona.
Wow, congrats to you and your hubby! That is a long journey and Im glad it is only making you a stronger family! What a lucky girl! Are you coming to Snowflake? If so maybe we will see you around. See ya.
I think I saw you on Bryan's family blog. I hope you guys had a good time in AZ! I'm excited to see a huge post about it...
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