So I actually feel a little bit like a Homemaker this week. I got the chance to make a last minute scrub cap for Curtis on Thursday night for his Surgery day on Friday. What a night!!!! After many hours sewing then taking out the seam and sewing again I finally finished it. It turned out pretty good and now that I kind of know what I am doing I am going to sew some more for his actual surgery rotation. I hope it takes less time then that one took. Oh well. So that was my proud Homemaker moment and now for my proud mommy moment. I know it might sound weird but I am so proud because Vance went poo-poo on the potty for the first time yesterday. We were so excited. He has gone pee a lot but we have never been successful with the poo thing but we finally got it yesterday. He is growing up so fast I can't believe. Hopefully we are going to try and potty train him in the next month or so and see how that goes. He loves to read his books and we got some from the library this past week and we are so tired of them by now but that is a good thing right? He is getting so good at singing his songs now. One of his favorites to do is Rock-a-bye baby. He climbs up into my lap and wraps his arms around my neck and starts rocking back and forth and he says "Rock-a-bye baby on tree pops, blows, break, fall, mommy catch you all." So cute. I love my boy. Oh and I guess now I can tell everyone that Vance is going to be a big brother. That is right we are expecting our second in March. We are very excited about this new addition to our home. Vance loves babies and is always saying "Awe, tute" which is cute and wanting to give them lots of kisses so we think he is going to take to the big brother role very easily. My life is so full. I feel so blessed by my father in heaven to have this opportunity to bring a new soul down to this earth. It makes me feel that my efforts as a mom are good enough for that new blessing. I have a wonderful, sweet, hardworking, loving husband and father to our children, and an amazing, talented, smart, funny, sweet son. What a blessed woman I am. What more can I say than that.

Congrats Crystal!!
Wow, I would never have been able to hold it in that long! That is awesome that you are 14 weeks already! Congratulations again! I'm glad you guys are doing so well! Keep in touch!!!
Congrats on the baby! I hope you're feeling well. i laughed when you said you hoped I didn't mind you found my blog--i've been looking at yours for months! :)
Congrats on the baby! Vance is going to be such a cute big brother!
Happy birthday too!
Yay Crystal, I'm so happy for you!! Hope your feeling great! Keep us posted!
Congratulations Cryssi! Love you. You're such a great woman.
Crystal!!! I am so excited for you!! Congrats on your new addition! And happy late birthday! Yeah!
Congrat Crystal that is wonderful! School is going good I am taking 17.5 credits and keeping busy. Speaking about homemaking I am trying my hand at canning. I think I went a little overboard though. I got 40lbs of peaches, 20lbs of pears and 20lbs of apples...yeah overboard by just a tidge I would say. In addition to school my calling and family life is crazy. I guess that you don't have any family back here in AZ to come back to huh...sad but it is always fun to have a new adventure. Sometimes i would love to live someplace else just to experiance a little bit of the world around me..We will see what life brings. I am so happy for you and the new little one you are having. I can tell that you are such a good mom. When I get there you will have to give me you great tips -k-! Chell
Congrats on the baby! I love the big boy socks!
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