Well this Halloween was so much fun. Vance loved every minute of it. He really got into dressing up this year. Now I don't think that had anything to do with the fact that he got to be Buzz Lightyear, RIGHT!!! On Halloween morning he kept saying "Haween, Haween" and "t or Teet" it was so funny. I couldn't believe that he remembered it but all day he kept asking if he could get Buzz on and I kept telling him no but he kept asking. Well we went trick-or-treating at the mall with some friends and ate dinner there as well. It was Family Friday so the Carousel was free and we had to take three rides on that, poor daddy. The Hawkeye Basketball team had set up a little place where the kids could come and get candy and have a poster with all their signatures on it so we did that and Vance was freaking out because Herky, the Hawkeye Mascot, was there and he kept saying "Monster mommy, scared." He loves Herky but I guess it is only from a distance. After the mall we went to Wal-mart to end out trick-or-treating and he had a great time. Well it just kept getting better for him because our ward party was on Saturday so he got to dress up again and go trick-or-treating again. He loved every minute of it. We couldn't keep him off the stage while they were trying to do all the prizes and such. He didn't win this year but he sure did look cute. We all went as Buzz, Woody, and Jessie from Toy Story. We looked cute if I do say so myself. On Thursday night we decided to make our own costumes and I ended up sewing Curtis' vest, his holster and star, and my chaps. It was great fun let me tell you. But in the end I think it was worth it. Halloween is really fun, especially when your kids get into and enjoy it with you.

You guys were so cute!! I loved the attention to detail on Woody, the pull string!! Also, your pumpkin was awesome!! Way to go.
You guys are sooo cute. Wonderful costumes. You all look so good. I miss you. Love you.
I think Vance and Dawson would be good friends. Looks like they're in the same stage. You guys are a beautiful family. Nice to see so many smiles. Viva Snowlake! :) Good to see things are great for you Crystal.
Great Job on the costumes Cryssy. Love it!
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